Q: What is your favorite inspirational quote? A: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start from where you are and change the ending.”
Q: What are your personal health and fitness goals? A: I want to continue to gain strength and maintain my current weight – staying strong is especially important to me as I get older.
Q: What ONE thing keeps you most focus and motivated to continue to work hard to reach your goals? A: The increased confidence I gain from every day that I work out at Fit 2 the Core. There are so many things in life that you can’t control but making the choice to come to the gym is something that you can. Getting regular exercise and getting physically stronger has made me feel so much better about myself and what I can accomplish.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started with us? A: I started from basically nowhere. I hadn’t been active other than walking my dog for over 10 years before I started at the gym. COVID made things worse with the transition to working from home. I was walking less than 1,000 steps a day and watching my weight and blood pressure rise.
Q: How was Fit2TheCore/NutritionWorks made a difference in your life? A: Fit 2 the Core has made a big impact on my life in so many ways but there are two most important ones. First, for the first time in a very long time, I have a regular exercise program. I got myself motivated to start but the support from the trainers and gym members have kept me accountable and coming back each week. Second, the gym community is the best. For me, joining the gym was intimidating since I didn’t know anyone or what to expect from classes. I never thought I would find so much support from such an amazing network of members. This is something that makes Fit 2 the Core so different from other gyms and such a special place.
Q: What kind of milestones have you accomplished and what specific results have you achieved so far? A: In two years, I have lost 15 pounds and kept it off. If you had asked me two years ago, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, but the gym has made all the difference.
Q: What is your "word of the year"? A: Perseverance
Q: What made you decide to want to join Fit2TheCore/NutritionWorks? A; I am a world class procrastinator, but even I got tired of telling myself I would start getting regular exercise and eating better next week or next month while not doing anything to make it happen month after month. I was tired of how I looked and how I felt. I saw an ad on Facebook for a 21-day challenge and I thought I can get through 21 days and if I don’t like it, there’s nothing to lose, its only three weeks and I don’t have to go back. I never thought those 3 weeks would turn into 2 years, but I am so grateful that it did.
Q: What would you say to someone who is on the fence about making a change and committing to their goals? A: If you don’t like the direction you are heading in, the only person who can change it is you. Only you can make the decision to change, to take the risk, to put the time in, and to see where you end up. It won’t be easy, but the best thing about Fit 2 the Core is that you aren’t doing it alone. Between the trainers and gym members, you have a support network to get you through the times when it’s hard or you want to give up and celebrate when you hit your milestones.